Sun halo at Fleming Glacier. Lat. 69°29' S - Lon. 66°09' W - Elev. 975 m a.s.l, Península Antártica.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Detalle de la Peninsula Valdés visto por el satélite ASTER

another day, another map

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A 4600 m en el refugio Agostini, un peñasco más en el Cerro Plomo. El sol a penas calienta, el corazón se pone duro y el cerebro todavía piensa relativamente bien, pero poco . Seguiré subiendo y elevándome lentamente, con calma, coraje, aprendiendo de cada paso que doy en esta montaña.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I want to thank K-Man for bass, trombone, Charade and art- design. DiegJazz'n for keyboards, guitar, groove and inspiration. Pedrum Marimba for astonishing dramatic percussions. BeenJammin' my brother of lung for sax, Rico reeds, soundsystem and madness and our doctor Sergio's Fat-Slim for guitar virtuosity and insanity .

I love you all my brohters.


PS: Today K-Man is at Nimes, DieggJazz'n in Paris, Pedrum in Murcheh (INDIA), BeenJammin' somhwhere out there maybe Paris, Serge's in Galvarino and Pablung at home. 28/09/2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Monday, September 04, 2006

- no - supervisado-

My son Benjamin in a non-supervised classification
!!!!hola a todos, bojour à tous, hello everyone, ciao tutto, привет всем, γειάσου ο καθένα, hallo jeder!!!!!